December 24, 2008

All I Want for Christmas

My last day of work until 1/5/09 (or if I can swing it, 1/6/09) was Monday. Since then I've stayed up way past my bedtime, woken up way too early each morning and spent way too much money. And it's only been 1 day!!! Still, I'm feeling pretty good. We've got just enough Christmas decorations up to make it seem like a holiday, but not enough to have to dread taking them all down. We've had two great meals with each side of the family, and have at least two more to come. Rachel (my sister) is in town which I love, and this is the first time that Matty and I won't have to part ways for Christmas. I'm generally more tense around this time of year than I am now, which is lovely- growing up a bit I suppose. Plus, we've learned quickly not to sweat the small stuff.

Yet another wonderful thing about right now is how much I'm looking forward to our trip to Philly. In the past, we've hosted New Year's here, in large part because Matt and Randy are generally around. This year we're being hosted by Philly and I couldn't be happier about that. I can't wait to see the progess Wis and Puddin have made on the house- see it in person rather than on flickr. I can't wait to sneak a cocktail w/ Ryan or exchange jewerly with Jane. I can't wait to not be responsible for any major decisions except what sort of cocktail I'm having (for breakfast.)

Happy Holidays.


Robin said...

OMG I totally wanna come with. Last New Years in Pgh was treachery (booze blood and ER visit) and so we've opted to stay in and stay safe. I wanna come to Phila with you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

so... how's our bathroom floor looking?
man am i glad i scrubbed that toilet.

it was nice having you. not as nice not having a voice with which to talk to you, but i hope it made me a better listener than usual. i listened real good when you were struck down with that stomach bug. sorry i didn't come to your rescue. i blamed it on the booze, and the rain.

I hope you come over again.

PS bring Robin.