January 5, 2009

First of 2009

I'll admit it - I'm writing this now because I feel like I should, not because I've got anything in particular to say. This has a lot to do with my ginormous case of ADD. I think about things to write all the time - all the time I'm not faced with actually writing that is.

I suppose what I should do it use this blog as it was intended - as a way for me to journal AND keep folks up to date with my perspective of Matty's diagnosis with MS and it's ensuing adventures. The thing is, neither of those two things seems entirely appropriate or necessary. First, certainly I would not be able to post everything that I would think to journal - journals can be raw and while that's fine for a blog too, perhaps I feel more comfortable blogging about what I may (or may not) journal rather than as a journal itself. Secondly, my life is not crowded with Matty's MS in the way I thought it might be after his diagnosis. We are at a new normal, but a normal nonetheless. This, by the way, is wonderful.

What is this all about then? I suppose I don't actually have to answer that question other to say that it's about whatever I damn well please. I guess I did have something to say. Happy New Year.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I think this is the story of my life: "I think about things to write all the time - all the time I'm not faced with actually writing that is. "