December 10, 2008

Old Issues, New World

Those 'cute' relationship 'nuances' don't go away when your partner (or yourself) has any diagnosis other than a shrink saying "she/he is cured" - which let's be honest, never happens. One's (my) reaction to said 'nuances' may or may not change, however. And to be honest, initial reaction is to flight rather than fight. After all, this is a rough time; wouldn't want to exacerbate it. Wouldn't want to upset anyone.

Let me digress just a bit. Since posting my first post, I've thought quite a bit about what this blog should be, or should mean - to me and to anyone who might read it. And I've decided that this blog, for what it is worth, will not be a stream of consciousness, a first draft, or a rant. I hope to leave those more raw thoughts, reactions, emotions to an actual journal. Journaling is something I still believe is important, even if I've yet to swallow my own advice pill in that regard.

Ah, I actually have just streamed, ranted and first drafted (this post has taken much longer to write than to read.) And I already feel better. In short, being a partner to someone who has just been diagnosed with MS, or just being diagnosed with MS, doesn't mean there are any 'get out of jail free' cards. Real life still happens, including the parts that make you (or your partner) pancake mad.

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