January 5, 2009

Funny, in a tea bagging sort of a way

An article in CNN just caught my eye because it was titled "Burris Plans to Show up at Senate Chambers" and of course, even though the spelling is different, I immediately thought that Plax was going to try to plead his case to the US Senate. What can I say, after blissfully watching 12 hours of football over the weekend, with another 12 in store for this weekend, I've got the greatest game on earth on the brain.

Well, as you may have guessed, the article was actually about one Roland Burris, Blagojevich's appointment to Obama's senate seat. Burris maintains the governors problems have nothing to do with him, and in fact stated, "there's no taint on me" - HA HA HA. There's NO TAINT on Burris. This of course immediately caused at least 2 rank but hilarious images of Roland Burris with, well, some taint on him. Is there a gay porn set in the senate chambers? If not, there should be, and it should have lots of taint in it.

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