June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

Best Fathers Day ever. My dad, Matt's dad, Matty and I went to the shooting range and then to the Hofbräuhaus for beer and food. It was the first time Mike (mine) and Wayne (his) had ever met. Matt's dad has a James Bond-looking pistol - a little shiny .25 that literally fit in his pocket. It was SA-WEEET. My dad, who has just taken up guns/shooting as a hobby, has a .22 and a .357. Matt had never shot before. I only shot 1.5 times before. A shotgun twice in Georgia, and the 1/2 was a month or so ago in my parent's basement with a bb-gun and an air gun. Matt turns out to be a good shot, and I'm not too shabby.

After Armstrong Arms we headed to the Hofbräuhaus for a liter or so of beer and some food. Oh, and some accordian music.

There was not one moment of tension, boredom or negativity. I didn't think there would be, by the way, but let's be honest; rarely a day goes by in anyone's life where there isn't a moment you wished did not happen or happened differently. Not today.

This wonderful day coming after a great time with local friends last night, and a whole week of living in the same city with Ryan, which frankly just plain old fills me with the utmost joy. And that all gets me thinking about you, and you and you too. And I am the luckiest woman alive. Thank you so much.

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