February 4, 2009

SUPERBOWL XIII And Other Amazing Occurances in 2009

Here we are, a mere 35 days into 2009, and already it's been one of the most exciting, invigorating, heart warming and wonderful years of my life (and in my opinion, of America's life too.) Below are the reasons I think this. They are in loose order of importance. It was amazingly difficult to rank these, as frankly they are all number 1 to me.

Barak Obama was inaugurated as the 43rd president of the united states. He is the first black president. He is thoughtful. He is young. He has made countless americans, including myself, believe what we were taught to believe about american all along. 8 years ago at this time I was 25, I had been bartending for 8 years and was just at the start of getting my shit together. I was not politically active - unless you count bartending for Clinton's second inauguration. So for the bulk of my adult life that I actually paid attention to (or was even mildly sober for) GW was our pres. It's no wonder this feels so damn good.

PITTSBURGH STEELERS WON THE SUPERBOWL!!! For the 2nd time in 4 years the Steelers won the superbowl. We won under the leadership of the youngest coach to ever win the superbowl. He also happens to be black (and mighty fine.) Next time, we're going to watch it in person. SUPERBOWL XLIII BABY!!!!!!! Larissa got to come over which was awesome. We got to head down to the South Side to celebrate with thousands of other folks after the victory. I had no idea that high-fiving and chest bumping could be such a work out. Everyone was sore the next day. It was awesome. Just amazing.

I got an engagement ring!!!! This ranks last on the list because in my mind our engagement was official in June (the fact that Matty and I are going to spend our lives together didn't come to light in 2009 - it came earlier.) Oddly, it seems more real to both of us now though. It definitely seems more real to everyone else too. First, we didn't really make an announcement over the summer. We sort of just told people piecemeal style.
I never would have thought I would be so excited about a ring. I was seriously giddy about it. I'm still giddy about it frankly. I still like checking it out. And every once in a while I flash it at Matty. He likes it too. It's super sweet. I never even wanted an engagement ring - I wasn't against it or anything, just didn't think it was necessary. And while I still feel that way, I'm glad I have this one. I love it, and I'm proud of what it symbolizes. I'm proud of both of us - we've both grown so much together and have done so much for each other - we are family, and I while I don't need a ring to prove that to anyone, I am more than happy to let the ring be a public representation of those feelings. It is also meaningful to us privately, which is the most important.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you guys have now been dating for something like 3 - 12 years, right?

Yay SuperbowlXLIII!!! That was fun. Sorry I'm so tardy. Take that any way you want. Like the song.